Softball Queen

My daughter, Addy, has been playing softball pretty much her whole life. In pre-school, we’d just practice batting and catching in the front yard, nothing but plastic and grass. Then in kindergarten, she signed up for little league, launching a nine-year (and counting) career. It’s been super rewarding, a highlight of our lives. But, for most that time, she was absolutely miserable.

You see, my little girl has always been an old soul, much more comfortable with adults than other kids. Team sports were her kryptonite. She whined and cried before practice and faked a cough or tummy-ache before games. I became an emotional support assistant coach, which helped her relax and have fun. But year after year, from tee-ball to coach-pitch to try-outs, when the season ended she was ecstatic, vowing to never go back.

Finally, by the grace of God, everything changed last year: It’s the third game of the season and our starting pitcher gets hurt. There’s no clear backup. I mention that Addy can probably take over, so we sub her in. She proceeds to toss three strikes in a row, ump calls “Yer ahhht,” and the head coach turns to me and whispers, “Welp, looks like we found our pitcher.” I’m so proud I almost hug him. Two months later she’s on the all-star team.

Now she’s obsessed. No more complaining. No more tears. No more latching onto her dad in the outfield. After almost ten years, hundreds of games, and thousands of hours, she’s found her “thing” at last. Sure, NASA got a human into space in less time, but some things require patience, especially kid-things. Hang in there.

Devin Faddoul, CFP® is the founder of Adda Financial | Outsource your financial life. Focus on your real life.





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